Justin Nickels
Mayor of the City of Manitowoc
I am very excited to continue the work we have accomplished over the last few years. The City of Manitowoc is in a great place financially and economically—from balanced budgets and reducing our debt to an Industrial Park that is now full of bustling new and existing businesses that continue to expand and grow. I am proud to be the biggest champion for our small businesses, large businesses, and non-profits. I am also proud that we continue to invest in our quality of life in all areas of the city. We have changed our city's dynamic, and we have so much to be proud of and look forward to. I welcome all ideas, whether during my monthly listening sessions with constituents or chatting with folks at the grocery store.
I am excited about our city's future, and I would be humbled to earn your vote to continue our great work on Tuesday, April 1st, 2025. - Justin
Trusted, Proven Leadership
During Mayor Nickels' time in office there have been accomplishments that have transformed the city
20 years of direct experience with the City of Manitowoc through the Common Council and as Mayor
Proven leadership with the city budget and overseeing 350 city-employees
A local business advocate, cutting the red-tape to see more businesses grow and succeed in the city
Fiscally responsible with your tax dollar by reducing the city's debt and investing in roads and parks
Listening to the needs and wishes of the citizens with regular listening sessions and an open door policy
Loyal supporter of our Public Safety officers
Staunch supporter of the Manitowoc Public Library, Rahr-West Art Museum, Lincoln Park Zoo, and quality of life that makes Manitowoc a place where people want to live, work, and play
Growing our city while maintaining our charm
To learn more details about Mayor Nickels' experience, proven leadership, and plans for the next four years, check out the Issues of Importance page of this website
Items of Importance

Business Growth
From day one, I have prioritized bringing meaningful, good-paying jobs and businesses to the community. We have seen tremendous growth from businesses that have been here for 100 years, businesses that just started up, and businesses that saw Manitowoc as an opportunity and moved here. I was first elected right after Mirro's departure. Anheuser-Busch announced its departure from the community two weeks after I was first elected. Manitowoc Company officially left in the mid-2010s. All legacy businesses that helped build our community for a century. I think we all had a collective sigh when those businesses left, but since then we have seen a resurgence and renaissance! We are more diverse and stronger than we have ever been. We have accomplished this by bringing economic development in-house with the creation of the Community Development Department and a great partnership with Progress Lakeshore. We changed our philosophy of being a government that tells businesses what they can and cannot do to being proactive and going directly to businesses to see what we can do or what we are doing that is hampering their growth. We have been very creative using TIF (Tax Incremental Financing) to incentivize businesses to move or expand here, ensuring the local taxpayer doesn't foot the bill. We have cut the red tape of local government to ensure our businesses are successful and proud to call Manitowoc home. *****Proven Growth***** The City of Manitowoc's equalized value is over $3.3 billion (1.4 billion in 2001 and 2 billion in 2009 through 2019) There was an 8% increase in equalized value from 2023 to 2024, which equates to $258 million in new value in that one year. We had a 2.14% net new construction growth in that year, one of the higher increases in Northeast Wisconsin. This increase isn’t because of inflation, but because we saw the most building permits pulled in 2024 than any other year recently and we saw tremendous growth in our industrial park, downtown, and all areas of the city. Manitowoc is now officially part of the less than 2% of communities that can do all plan reviews and all inspections in-house. Commercial building code enforcement authority allows us to be more business-friendly, getting projects up and running quicker! Come to Manitowoc, we will cut the red tape for your business to be as successful as possible! *****As of 2024, the Industrial Park is Almost FULL!***** Here are a few businesses the city worked with that have moved to the Industrial Park or expanded. Ammo Inc. (a brand-new business to the city that had its first full year of production in 2024) added 200 jobs (150 new) in a 160,000sq.ft. facility and acquired 35+ acres in the I-Park. The city partnered with AMMO and used TIF to incentivize them to move from Arizona to Manitowoc Redline Plastics 160,000 sq. ft in Industrial Park (from Dowco). Added another 104,000 sq. ft addition 2021. Has a land option from the City for more additions. The city used TIF and our free-land for growth policy to make sure they built in Manitowoc Dramm Corporation Commercial Products built in the Industrial Park (was just outside the city limits on Hwy Q), east of Jageman on I-43. 85,000sq.ft. manufacturing plant plus 15,000 sq. ft corporate headquarters. Added a solar garden. Updating the stormwater pond in front of them along the interstate. The City used TIF to ensure they expanded in the city limits Manitowoc Tool & Manufacturing LLC (ran out of room at old i-park on Expo Drive). 42,500sq.ft. in 2023 PLUS, new building (59,000 sq. ft) over doubling in size opening in 2025. The City used TIF to help with this growth to ensure they grew in the city Bank First Operations Center (next to Subway) Color Craft Graphic Arts just completed another 45,000sq.ft. addition (130,000 total now) Kaysun Corporation addition of 54,900sq.ft and 75 new jobs. The City has historically helped with Kaysun’s many expansions and used TIF for this last expansion R2H purchased more land from the city in 2025 for future growth Briess added in the Industrial Park *****New Industrial Park***** The city purchased 90 acres on Hecker and Viebahn from Manitowoc County in 2019. $1.5 million (TIF) is being invested in 2025 to complete the infrastructure (water, sewer, utilities) needed to be shovel-ready for any new business interested in building! *****Other Business Growth Over the Past Few Years***** Fed Ex's new distribution facility on Viebahn and S. 42nd (behind Festival Foods). $45 million project. 218,000 sq. ft on 39 acres. Addition of S. 39th as a public road but not connected to Viebahn. TIF was used to help with the public infrastructure. Lakeside Foods moved into the old Investors/Manitowoc Company HQ – and also invested multi-millions in growth at their S. 30th Street facilities. TIF was used to ensure they grew in the city. Baycare Lakeside Campus. 49,000 sq. ft. facility Briess Malt & Ingredients Co. added to their downtown facility and continues to invest in Manitowoc, adding a location to the industrial park. We officially declared Manitowoc the “Specialty Malt Capital of the World” in 2024 Eck Industries, Inc adding on and updating their front façade Wisconsin Aluminum Foundry completed its largest expansion in history on S. 16th Street Robinson Metals (former Manitowoc Company building) addition Alliance Laundry (former Manitowoc Company building) internal expansions Kone Cranes built three large cranes – 1 going to Pearl Harbor! Another is being built now. The City has been very supportive working with the company to get Harbor Assistance Grants from the State of Wisconsin for their continued growth in the city Froedtert Holy Family Memorial celebrated 125 years in the City and continues to grow with Froedtert. Kerry/Red Arrow bought and expanded the old Foster Needle on Expo Drive

Small Business Growth
Small Businesses are the heart and soul of a community. The opportunity afforded to someone wanting to open a new business has never been easier than it has in the past few years in the City of Manitowoc. We have created loan funds and made it easier for small businesses to start and succeed. This is in part thanks to our partnership with Progress Lakeshore and our philosophy that anyone who wants to open a business in Manitowoc is welcomed and supported. *****A few small businesses that have opened up over the past few years***** Retro Eighth Coffee & Açaí at 801 N. 8th Street FIRE Fitness Camp Manitowoc at 818 Franklin Street Dunham Sports, Harbor Freight, Ross Dress for Less (Shopko Mall) J-Mart Convenience/Gas at 2324 N. Rapids Road (old Vogel Auto Body / Menasha/Rapids) and The Spices Indian Restaurant Intention Boutique in old Workingman's friend at 2710 Custer Street Eden Boutique and Tea at 901 Quay Street Carpet’s Plus moved into 3315 Calumet Avenue under new ownership On The Surface at 836 S. 8th Street Broken Spoke Bikes Manitowoc at 834 S. 8th Street Pink Petal Boutique at 912 S. 8th Street Summit Clinical Services moved into 816 Washington Street CORE Treatment Services, Inc. moved to 5005 Vista Road Lighthouse Recovery Community Center - Manitowoc opened their new women and children recovery residence at 721 Park Street Lighthouse Recovery Community Center's new drop-in center at 818 State Street 4given Coffee Shoppe - 4CS at 1034 S. 18th Street CRusched Smash & Art Studio opened at 115 N. 10th Street The Granary 210 N. 8th Street The Fringe Hair Studio at 4411 Calumet Avenue Grow It Forward - Harmony Café & Juicery at 921 S. 8th Street Papa Johns and Pizza Hut on Calumet Avenue The Pickleball Connection at 1455 Rapids Road Big Brothers Big Sisters WI Shoreline. moved to the Manitowoc-Two Rivers YMCA Gritty Lane Antique Mall and Custom Health at 3310 Calumet Avenue The Crossing of Manitowoc County and CASA of East Central Wisconsin moved into the former Manitowoc BayCare clinic at 501 N. 10th Street Precision Floors and Decor opened in the old Badger Office on Rapids Road Bakery Beauties Soap & Candle Co. at 2402 Franklin Street Dos Caminos #2 – Nicaraguan restaurant at 2525 Menasha Avenue (across from the airport) Pedal Pub for Manitour Pedalers Hop Locker at 822 Franklin Street The Cage LLC - Manitowoc at 2214 Franklin Street The Nook at 211 N. 9th Street Phenomenal Love at 112 N. 8th Street Hot Pot BBQ in the old Buffalo Wild Wings Renovo Health at 1720 Memorial Drive Black Heart Books at 709 Buffalo Street Kc's Kitchen & Cocktails at 1202 S. 10th Street (formerly 10th Street Pub) Little Sips Play Cafe at 3311 Calumet Avenue The Executive Concierge at 807B N. 8th Street Forever Your Insurance at 935 S. 8th Street *****Propel Manitowoc***** As of 2024, a new city Revolving Loan Fund for small businesses to start up! Learn more at: https://www.manitowoc.org/2380/Propel-Manitowoc-Loan-Fund The City has issued three loans to date, and any small business is encouraged to contact us to apply. CRusched - $45,000 – some of the amount was the USDA loan funds we received in a grant. Summit Clinical Services - $50,000 – some of the amount was the USDA loan funds we received in a grant. The Nook - $15,000 – all City funding.

Housing is a critical issue nationwide. We recently completed a city-wide housing study, which showed we need housing of all types. It is our goal to work with developers to provide all housing options. We have eliminated some city requirements in subdivisions to bring down the cost of a home. We are also focusing on bringing more affordable housing to the community and updating our ordinances to be more accommodating to the types of housing people are seeking today. 2024 saw the most single-family homes being built in over 20 years and 2025 is on track to beat that number Mid-City Mall Property *A minimum of 40-single family homes *A minimum of 168 apartments River Point District *River North Apartments (87 units) *River Landing Development (6 condos) *105-unit apartment complex breaking ground in 2025 Mirro Site *We are working closely with a developer to provide affordable housing on the site. The Common Council has approved a development agreement and the developer will be applying for tax credits in spring. Around 55-units The Preserve at Lincoln Park. *Mike Howe Builders development on Reed Avenue (33 single-family market rate homes) Old Santa’s Best/Tinsel Manufacturing *Up to 80 Senior Living apartments S. 16th/Hamilton Memorial Drive *4-unit, 4-story condo. 2500 sq. ft each next to the chamber (room for 2nd building) Old Elks Club (Bayshore Development) *64 apartments complet *More apartments/duplexes/condos likely beginning in 2025 River View Drive *4 single-family lots (old apartments) Popp Subdivision *18 new single-family lots available Accessory Dwelling Units ordinance coming to Council in 2025 Working on an ordinance to allow tiny homes, or at least changing our mindset on the “typical” lot to allow for lower costs to build Former Woodlawn Clinic *Possibly 50-80 multi-family units

Mirro Property
The Mirro Site will be cleaned up this winter and we are working closely with a developer to provide affordable housing on the site. The Common Council has approved a development agreement and the developer will be applying for tax credits in spring. Awarded $1,961,500 for final cleanup for development! Federal Grant from bipartisan infrastructure bill The project bids are out right now. The Council will approve the winning bid at its January meeting, and work will begin soon thereafter. This is one of the last steps in developing the Maritime Flats apartment complex, which has roughly 59 units as workforce housing. The developers will apply for the needed tax credits and hope to receive an award in April/May 2025. Demolition/crushing of the remaining concrete building slab to create an engineered barrier Excavation and offsite disposal of PCB- and VOC-impacted soils into TSCA landfill Demolition and abandonment of the utility tunnel network to prevent vapor migration Place/compact crushed concrete and construct an engineered barrier in what will be the parking lot for the development Excavation and offsite disposal of contaminated soil into a solid waste landfill Import clean fill to construct engineered barriers (2,800 yd3 of clay and topsoil for greenspace and granular fill for building/sidewalks/playground
For a full list of issues, please click below.

Contact Justin
Campaign Headquarters
814 S. 8th Street
Manitowoc, WI 54220
March 25th - April 1st
25th: 5:00pm - 8:00pm
26th: 1:00pm - 5:00pm
27th: CLOSED
28th: 11:30am - 2:30pm
29th: 11:30am - 2:30pm
30th: 11:30am - 2:30pm
31st: ALL DAY
April 1st: ELECTION DAY!
To request a yard sign, please fill out the form and send your address. Yard signs will be placed in your yard for you.
+1 920-645-1857

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Your support of the campaign is appreciated. While your vote is the most important thing, getting our message out to all the voters requires time and money. I promise to do everything I can to personally reach every voter, and with your contribution I will be able to do that. Thank you for considering supporting the campaign with a contribution.